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A whitepaper is a fundamental document for each blockchain project. It should provide relevant information about the project's concept, goals, and technical details that are useful for investors and users.

The term whitepaper refers to a comprehensive document that outlines a blockchain project's technical details and vision. It provides an in-depth understanding of the project's concept, goals, and methodology used to achieve them. Startups typically use whitepapers to communicate their ideas and plans to potential investors, partners, and customers.

A whitepaper typically includes information on the project's architecture, features, specifications, and technical and operational aspects. Usually, it describes the project's value, target audience, and the problem it aims to solve and outlines its roadmap, including timelines, milestones, and plans.

This document can also be used to raise funds for the project by presenting a detailed plan and vision to potential investors and can help build trust and credibility for the entire project team.

Reading a whitepaper is crucial before investing in a blockchain project. It gives investors the information they need to decide whether to invest in the project; for example provides them with an evaluation of the project's feasibility, the potential for success, and risks.

By reading the whitepaper, investors can understand the project's vision, values, and objectives. This can help them assess whether the project aligns with their values and investment goals.

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